Rockopelli’s top priority is the health and well-being of every artist and audience member who comes to the park this summer.

Rockopelli has developed safety measures with the current recommended practices for health and well-being. Your participation is expected to help ensure the return of Rockopelli Music Festival this summer. The protocols and policies below reflect our current plans based on CDC and local guidelines. Please continue to check this page as we approach the music festival for the most up-to-date protocols for attending Rockopelli Music Fest.



Rockopelli Music Fest will be closely following public health recommendations from the CDC and local authorities. Currently, masks are optional for all fully vaccinated patrons and volunteers.


Keep Your Distance

Please allow physical distance between guests and respect your neighbors’ desire for a healthy Rockopelli Music Fest experience before, during, and after every event.


Stay Home If You Are Sick

If you or a recent close contact are sick, experience CDC-recognized COVID-19 symptoms, or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days, we ask that you prioritize community health and stay home.


Surface Cleaning

Commonly touched surfaces, tables and booths, and door handles will be cleaned and sanitized regularly for the protection of everyone in the park.

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Hand Washing & Sanitizer

Restroom facilities will feature touchless fixtures, including soap dispensers, for thoroughly washing your hands. Hand sanitizer dispensers will also be available throughout the park.